The U.S. Supreme Court and the Impossibility of Religious Freedom

March 13 Monday, 4:30pmĀ | Oakley Center

Winnifred Fallers Sullivan JD, PhD, University of Chicago, is Provost Professor in the Department of Religious Studies and Director of the Center for Religion and the Human at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is also an Affiliated Professor of Law at the Maurer School of Law. She studies the intersection of religion and law in the modern period, particularly the phenomenology of modern religion as it is shaped in its encounter with law. Among other publications, Sullivan is the author of The Impossibility of Religious Freedom (Princeton, 2005, 2d ed. 2018), Prison Religion: Faith-based Reform and the Constitution (Princeton, 2009), A Ministry of Presence: Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care and the Law (Chicago, 2014), and Church State Corporation: Construing Religion in US Law (Chicago, 2020), coauthor of Ekklesia: Three Studies in Church and State (Chicago, 2018) and The Abyss or Life is Simple (Chicago 2022), and coeditor of Politics of Religious Freedom (Chicago, 2015) and At Home and Abroad: The Politics of American Religion (Columbia 2021).